Tuesday, February 23, 2010

topic 1(task 2)

Task Two: What did we miss? Can you think of anything you might add to this list? Come up with one or two more habits you believe positive students have. Explain why you think your additions to this list would be important for every student at Classic City High School.

*The kids a PLC are smart but most of them have bad attitudes but i think most students are mature.
*Stay on task
*come to class every day

topic 1(Task 1)

Task One: In which of these areas do you need to make the most improvement to become a more successful student? Even if you feel as though you are already successful, you could still make strides in one of these areas? Which is it?Sign onto your service learning blog and write a paragraph or two about the area in which you need the most improvement. You should provide details about the improvements you might make, as well as some examples of how it can improve your success at Classic City High School.

*I need the most improvement in math. Math is very hard for me to understand because there are too many ways to solve a single problem. when a teacher gives me math work or when im taking a test i freezu because most of the time i don't know where to start.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Unit Three -- Dark Romanticism and Realism

ELAALRL4 The student employs a variety of writing genres to demonstrate a comprehensive grasp of significant ideas in selected literary works. The student composes essays, narratives, poems, or technical documents.Read the standard at least twice and begin thinking about what you may be asked to do before you are through with this unit. Once you are done thinking:

1. Create a post on your blog titled "Unit Three", and then explain what you believe the above standard means, and then go further by explaining what you think you will need to do to meet this particular standard.

2.Which side of the divide do you fall? Are you closer to being a Transcendentalist or a Dark Romantic? Explain your answer with a short paragraph.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Unit Two -- Romanticism and Transcendentalism

1. Read it again. What is a theme? Would you know one when you saw it? Could you provide evidence to support what you say? Take a moment to post to your blog what this standard might mean, and while you are at it, what this thing called theme" is.

*something that repeats itself through out the whole story.

*everything that refers to the theme helps you decide the theme and what the theme means.

*it helps you understand what to look for and whats important.

2. What about the story did you find particularly Romantic? You may want to reread the section on Romanticism again to refresh your memory. Give at least two examples with direct evidence for each.

*"The whole neighborhood abounds with local tales, haunted spots, and twilight superstitions;"

its romantic because the tone is mysterious. "A drowsy, dreamy influence seems to hang over the land, and to pervade the very atmosphere. " this sentence makes me feel as the village is dead, there is no excitment going on it's just sounds evil. it emphasizes the theme because theses sentences, like the theme sound mysterious and kind of sad.

3. You can also find this video in my assignments folder in my drop box. If you view it there, you will be able to watch it full-screen. You can also view it here. How does this poem illustrate all three of the main themes of Romanticism? Make sure you provide evidence for each claim you make.

When you are through reading, post a 1-2 paragraph response to each piece of writing to your blog. Be sure to concentrate more on what you thought of each piece of writing. Try to include at least one piece of direct evidence with each response (remember standard #1). This should be something that stuck out to you about the particular piece of writing.

*while readin the story i felt that nature owns itself and men cant own a piece of the horizon. the horizon is literaly the sky, but it's also the idea of nature and what everythings looks like and the beauty it has. "There is a property in the horizon which no man has but who whose eye can integrate all the parts that is, the poet". from readin the story i think that nature is self owned. it wasn't easy to understand because the he used a lot of literary elements.(personfication and metaphor).

the tone imakes me feel good because it talks about self-reliance and how you can better yourself by doing simple tasks." Accept the place the divine Providence has found for you". this sentence means thats you should accept your beliefs and be happy where ever you are. society has corrupted people into thinking that they need to be dependant on the government. Emerson is saying that we shouldn't depend on the government.

6.Next, write explain how each piece is a good example of Transcendentalism by identifying the central themes I described earlier in the post. Use what you read above, and prove that each piece is a good example with a paragraph supported with direct evidence (one paragraph each).

7.How can you apply Transcendental philosophy to the man in this video? I'm sure you could easily spend a couple paragraphs telling me how. I also know it would be easy for you to back up whatever you say with direct evidence from the texts you have already read. If you are really into it, you might read a little of Henry David Thoreau's Walden. Just choose a couple sections you think you would like.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

ELAALRL1 The student demonstrates comprehension by identifying evidence (i.e., examples of diction, imagery, point of view, figurative language, symbolism, plot events and main ideas) in a variety of texts representative of different genres (i.e., poetry, prose [short story, novel, essay, editorial, biography], and drama) and using this evidence as the basis for interpretation.There are many you could help people understand whats goin on whethere its and essay,book,novel, or poerty.

* In nova net it shows how to use comrehension by identifyin evidence(EX: Essay,book,novel, or poetry.

2. Since we are starting at the beginning of American literature, we should start at a time before where we live was called America. Use your favorite search engine to find an example of Native American Literature (a poem, short folktale, or a prayer will work best). Read a few before you choose one. You need to be familiar with the example you choose because you will need to answer some questions about it. Copy and paste the example into your blog post.

Creation And Longevity

An Achomawi Legend
Coyote began the creation of the earth, but Eagle completed it. Coyote scratched it up with his paws out of nothingness, but Eagle complained there were no mountains for him to perch on.
So Coyote made hills, but they were not high enough. Therefore Eagle scratched up great ridges. When Eagle flew over them, his feathers dropped down, took root, and became trees. The pin feathers became bushes and plants.
Coyote and Fox together created man. They quarreled as to whether they should let men live always or not.
Coyote said, "If they want to die, let them die."
Fox said, "If they want to come back, let them come back."
But Coyote's medicine was stronger, and nobody ever came back. Coyote also brought fire into the world, for the Indians were freezing. He journeyed far to the west, to a place where there was fire, stole some of it, and brought it home in his ears.
He kindled a fire in the mountains, and the Indians saw the smoke of it, and went up and got fire.

* The story is refering to how earth was made

Post the following to your blog: What new vocabulary have you used in this unit already? What do these new terms mean to you?

*Puritanism-the principles and practices of the Puritans.

*Rationalists-the principle or habit of accepting reason as the supreme authority in matters of opinion, belief, or conduct.

*unalienable-Not to be separated, given away, or taken away

6.Briefly (one good paragraph) describe the differences between the Puritans and the Rationalists. Please be careful not to repeat the same words you have read in this entry. Where in today's society do you see some of the ideas you have read about here represented?. (Hint -- check this out, especially the comments section.)

The Rationalists were a group of people who believed in the theory that an individual's actions and beliefs should be based on reason, rather than on intuition or the teachings of others. They were people who formed opinions by reasoning instead of because someone said so. They believed everything had a logical explanation and felt as if it was their duty to provide it. They believed in God, but they didn’t believe he had the say in everything. They knew he created the universe but it was up to the people to find out everything you didn’t know.

7. Read the excerpt from The Autobiography by Benjamin Franklin in the red American Literature book. Pay special attention to the efforts Franklin made to improve his life.Give one example from The Autobiography of how Franklin is a good example of a rationalist. Make sure you explain why, and provide an example straight from the text

* I judge it would be well no to distract my attention by attempting the whole at once, but to fix it on one of the at a time; and when i should be the master of that.

8. If you were to make a list of thirteen virtues to improve upon in your life, what would they be? List them the way Franklin did. There are a couple more good examples here. Do you think you could reach moral perfection in this way? Explain how you feel. This should be a paragraph or two.

*Honesty- Be honest.

*Industry- Stay employed,Make money.

*Wise-Make Smater choices.

*order-Situtate that things i do.

*Silence-Speak only on things that positive if i dont have anything to say nice i'll keep it to myself.

*Peace-No violence.

*Trust- Have trust in yourself.

*Fearless- fear no one but god.

*Responsible- do wat needs to be done

*Focus-Dont get destracted,finish work first and play later

*Faith-Have faith. believe in yourself

*Dress-Stay fly

*Rest- make sure i get enought sleep every night

*Suffer consequences- Make school fun

9. This unit has addressed the following Georgia Performance Standards

ELAALRL1 The student demonstrates comprehension by identifying evidence (i.e., examples of diction, imagery, point of view, figurative language, symbolism, plot events and main ideas) in a variety of texts representative of different genres (i.e., poetry, prose [short story, novel, essay, editorial, biography], and drama) and using this evidence as the basis for interpretation.ELAALRL3 The student deepens understanding of literary works by relating them to their contemporary context or historical background, as well as to works from other time periods.please take a moment to specifically address how the work you did in this unit addresses these standards. You should provide evidence from your own work to illustrate what you claims.

it helps us understand and explain words better. when to use it and where to use it