Monday, February 8, 2010

Unit Two -- Romanticism and Transcendentalism

1. Read it again. What is a theme? Would you know one when you saw it? Could you provide evidence to support what you say? Take a moment to post to your blog what this standard might mean, and while you are at it, what this thing called theme" is.

*something that repeats itself through out the whole story.

*everything that refers to the theme helps you decide the theme and what the theme means.

*it helps you understand what to look for and whats important.

2. What about the story did you find particularly Romantic? You may want to reread the section on Romanticism again to refresh your memory. Give at least two examples with direct evidence for each.

*"The whole neighborhood abounds with local tales, haunted spots, and twilight superstitions;"

its romantic because the tone is mysterious. "A drowsy, dreamy influence seems to hang over the land, and to pervade the very atmosphere. " this sentence makes me feel as the village is dead, there is no excitment going on it's just sounds evil. it emphasizes the theme because theses sentences, like the theme sound mysterious and kind of sad.

3. You can also find this video in my assignments folder in my drop box. If you view it there, you will be able to watch it full-screen. You can also view it here. How does this poem illustrate all three of the main themes of Romanticism? Make sure you provide evidence for each claim you make.

When you are through reading, post a 1-2 paragraph response to each piece of writing to your blog. Be sure to concentrate more on what you thought of each piece of writing. Try to include at least one piece of direct evidence with each response (remember standard #1). This should be something that stuck out to you about the particular piece of writing.

*while readin the story i felt that nature owns itself and men cant own a piece of the horizon. the horizon is literaly the sky, but it's also the idea of nature and what everythings looks like and the beauty it has. "There is a property in the horizon which no man has but who whose eye can integrate all the parts that is, the poet". from readin the story i think that nature is self owned. it wasn't easy to understand because the he used a lot of literary elements.(personfication and metaphor).

the tone imakes me feel good because it talks about self-reliance and how you can better yourself by doing simple tasks." Accept the place the divine Providence has found for you". this sentence means thats you should accept your beliefs and be happy where ever you are. society has corrupted people into thinking that they need to be dependant on the government. Emerson is saying that we shouldn't depend on the government.

6.Next, write explain how each piece is a good example of Transcendentalism by identifying the central themes I described earlier in the post. Use what you read above, and prove that each piece is a good example with a paragraph supported with direct evidence (one paragraph each).

7.How can you apply Transcendental philosophy to the man in this video? I'm sure you could easily spend a couple paragraphs telling me how. I also know it would be easy for you to back up whatever you say with direct evidence from the texts you have already read. If you are really into it, you might read a little of Henry David Thoreau's Walden. Just choose a couple sections you think you would like.

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